Monday, February 9, 2009

Recycling is the new Revolutioin

As much of a hassle as it is. Recycling is actually a good thing economically because it creates jobs and saves money. Environmentally because if you recycle it also limits the pollution in the air and lowers the landfill space used, and socially because it helps sustain the environment for future generations. We are trying to STOP the landfill from looking like this! So Please Recycle!!!


  1. I think that recycling is somethat that people are going to have to adapt too and I think that its a great thing. Looking at that picture really grosses some people out, but shows that we could be alot cleaner with our wastes.

  2. I've felt for a while that it should be mandated that people recycle. With the economy the way it is, it would be a great idea to put that into effect now, considering that it could create more jobs. There are already quite a few (but never enough) people that recycle, but if everyone had to, the companies would have to double their employee's at the very least.

  3. I am really into recycling. I recycle everything that I possibly can and I have made my co-workers recycle because they go through so much paper. I also read up on some facts about e-waste (electronics) and it's amazing some of the things there are in electronics that get put into the landfills. For instance, there is cadmium in phones that can pollute 158,200 gallons of water and can cause cancer and some neurological disorders. I think that for the safety of everyone on this planet, we should be required to recycle.
